

Access Control System during COVID-19

Wireless Access Control System

Electronic access control systems have taken over the market for quite a long time. Many organizations currently use either biometric access control systems or access card systems. Both the system requires contact with the access control devices and is not fit for the post-COVID situation.

To say COVID-19 has changed the world we all lived in is an understatement and to combat this deadly virus we must change our old habits and adopt newer and safer alternatives. Every other business and a public place has to follow government guidelines on the number of people that are allowed in a building at a certain time. And above that, the safety within the building is a major concern.

Working in a closed environment is a risk that employers, as well as employees, are not willing to take. People no longer want to touch the fingerprint scanner, swipe cards on the access card reader, and touch the doorknobs to open the door. There is a need for touchless access control systems for your homes, workplace, and even your parking space.

Covid 19 - Access Control System

To simplify your concerns, let us start with few basic points –

What is a touchless access control system?

A touchless access control system is a security tool that reduces touchpoints and provides a much secure and faster way to enter any building. It is not necessary to make contact with any public device while entering any building.

Why should you upgrade or install a contactless access control?

In this COVID world where reducing touchpoints is the only way to contain the virus, a contactless access security system can help your business to restart its operations while maintaining the safety of your employees.

Who can install the contactless access control?

Contactless access control systems are applicable for many user stories. If you are a small or a big organization and you want to keep track of the number of employees entering and leaving your building, if you want to allow access to a limited number of employees at a given shift, and if you want to reduce the touchpoints then a contactless access control system is right for you.

A hospital and a clinic are the one place where every third person is infected by the virus. It is impossible to sanitize the whole building every few minutes. So, if you want to keep your facility safe and virus-free for your doctors, staff, and patients a contactless access control system is the best alternative.

Common residential facilities like gymnasium, swimming pools, building entrance, and parking lots often become the hotspot for the spread of the virus. Using a touchless access control system can help in containing the spread.

And the biggest question of all!

Why should you adopt Spintly – Smart Access Control System?

To prioritize the health of your employees while remaining productive, Spintly has developed a contactless Access Control System for your organization. The smart access control system eliminates the need to touch devices to get access to the barriers. With the help of Bluetooth Mesh Technology (BLE) employees can use their smartphones to unlock the doors without the need for touching the control device.

How does Spintly’s contactless access control work?

The mesh technology operates on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and provides a faster and safer way to unlock doors.

  • User can unlock the door by waving their smartphones in front of the access control device
  • Even if your phone is in your pocket or your bag, the BLE technology connects your device with the access control reader and unlocks the door for you
  • Visitors no longer have to wait for the receptionist to check them in, through web-based self-check-in visitors can fill in their details and you can give them remote access to your building

The security access control systems can also help in Dynamic Shift Management where you can allow access to few employees at a time. It can help in maintaining the social distancing norms and eliminating the risk of COVID-19 by ensuring only a specific number of employees are present at any given moment. The cloud-based access control system also supports a contactless attendance management system. The geo-attendance feature of the app allows “Work from Home” employees to log in remotely from their homes.

By: Akshi Saxena

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