

Access Control to Educational Institutions

Educational facilities require effective security measures to create a safe and welcoming environment for students and teachers alike. Hence, implementing security features within the institution is the top priority. A balance between a safe and secured environment and a welcoming and learned surrounding is very essential when you are planning to implement any safety plan.

So, an access control system serves as an excellent option to create a welcoming yet very secure atmosphere for the students, staff, and professors.

Drawbacks of old security practices

Difficult to manage a huge campus – On a huge campus, with many entries and exit points, dozens of classrooms, and labs, it becomes difficult to manage access for all the access points. Physical security guards are not capable to manage hundreds of students and staff all at once. There will always be some kind of ‘weak link that can be a vulnerability to safety

  • Physical keys are difficult to manage – As we discussed, on a huge campus there will be dozens of doors. To carry separate keys for each door is a heavy and redundant task. Some institutes might have a master key to unlock all doors with one key. But this is also the reason for vulnerability. With the master key stolen, your entire facility will be at risk
  • The exact headcount is not known – With so many entry and exit points, it becomes difficult to know the exact headcount inside the building in real-time. “Who entered, when, and why” are the questions that remain unanswered if you need them quickly
  • Emergency evacuation becomes tough – When you don’t know the exact number of people inside your building at the given moment, it becomes difficult to implement emergency evacuation. There might be somebody trapped in some room, and you won’t be able to know where they are with old security options

Benefits of Access Control System

Monitor your entire campus from one point – With an access control system, you can monitor all your entry and exit points from one central place. You can view who entered your facility and where all did they go, at any point in time

  • Do not have to carry a physical key – Your students, staff, and professors can unlock doors with their access cards or through their biometrics without the need to have a single key. You can also restrict access based on the status of the individual. For example – a student might not need to have an access to faculty breakout rooms, so with an access control system you can restrict their access permissions
  • Easy Attendance Management – No more proxies in your classrooms. With a smart access control system, you can manage the attendance of all your staff, professors, and students efficiently
  • One-click access – All your doors can be opened and locked with just one click. Some common rooms like – canteen, auditorium, etc. can be kept open for everyone irrespective of their access status. You won’t have to go and physically open the door, with a single click you can unlock all common rooms
  • Emergency Lockdown or Unlock – In times of emergency, you can unlock or shut down all doors and exits with a single click. This reduces the time-to-action, in case of serious issues
  • Detailed Access Reports – With a smart access control system, you can get real-time trail reports of the number of people in your facility at any point. You can know the “who, when, and why” of the people entering your institution. Access control systems are capable of generating a variety of reports including, the last time a card or an id was used to access the door, which card was the last one to access any door, etc
  • Integrate with Visitor Management System – A school or a college has many visitors, including parents, visiting faculties, audit committee, etc. A limited time pass or access is required each time a visitor arrives. With an access control system, you can integrate your existing Visitor management system or you can adopt a new visitor management system

These are a few in a million reasons why you should invest in an Access Control System for your school or a college. 

Now if you are wondering which Access control system you should go for, let me make it easier for you! 

Why choose Spintly?

Spintly understands your need for a safe and sound security system. An educational institution should feel welcoming and should also be able to safeguard its students and staff from outside intrusion. 

With Spintly’s Smart Access Control Systems, you can trust us with your security. We offer hassle-free, wireless security solutions for all your requirement. With a range of security solutions, including card-based access, biometric access, and smartphone-based access, we provide a complete security solution for your campus.

Our compatible access control systems are easy to integrate with your old legacy systems. Our Visitor Management solution offers an intensive smart visitor experience.